Project Objectives
Some of the pertinent questions on the youths mind in College and after are.
- How can I start a business to support myself while in school?
- How does one identify what to do in business?
- Where is the starting point in business?
- How do I even know what am cut out for?
- Who could I talk to about my past hurts?
- Which group should I join and do life in a safe way during my life in college?
- Where does one go to grow spiritually since Church isn’t my thing?

Mentees geographical location by colleges

This demography has helped in crafting an effective and relevant program that addresses the needs of the young generation. These initiatives under ‘Tripod of AMI’ approach have been projected to inject over 50,000 jobs annually for the youths of Kenya once fully implemented.
Agriculture pillar forecast

Based on this forecast, we expect that these successful farming ventures will be able to support over 1000 livelihoods annually and become a catalyst of a value addition innovative ecosystem under M&B foundation.
Manufacturing Pillar Forecast

With over 250 cottage manufacturing ventures in 5 years, the foundation will create an average of 2500 direct job opportunities to the Kenyan youth and a possible 5000 indirect job opportunities.
Innovation pillar forecast

Our projected five-year focus on the innovation program is a constant of 20% growth annually.
With an estimated minimum of 10 direct employments and 30 indirect within the innovation ecosystem per venture, we expect to have created approximately 5000 job opportunities with a continual growth of 10-20% annually. This will become a model of success and be replicated across the country and within Africa.